Hand Maiden Kotor 2 Influence
May 28, 2017 Knights of the Old Republic II' is the Influence system. How to Unlock the Scene Where Carth Meets the Exile in 'KOTOR 2'. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. The protagonist also has the ability to 'influence' their party members. For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords. The hand maiden given at the start of my alarielle campaign had that exact trait and is carrying my legendary campaign since turn 1. She even literally destroyed a dark elven lord who was wielding the sword of khaine (with 60+ melee defence not that hard).
Hey all,
Kotor 2 Handmaiden Influence Dark Side
Just a quick question: I've heard that you can sorta-kinda-not-really romance Handmaiden in KOTOR 2. Like you can gain a fuckton of influence and get some unsubtle implications from the other crewmembers ('AYY YOU PUT BENIS IN BAGINA YET? :---DD) but it never actually evolves into a romance.
I'm wondering if this is true or not. Because I'm def on the romance path with her, but talking about it with Mira, all I could say were fifty different variations on 'Nothing going on between us.'
Thanks in advance! And apologies if this has been asked before--I searched the sub but didn't return anything about this topic specifically.