Installing Mantis On Iisa
How to Install and Setup Mantis Bug Tracker on Ubuntu 16.04 2nd June 2017 21,791k Mantis BT is a free and feature-rich bug tracking web based application tool that provides a delicate balance between simplicity and power. The video guides you through the installation process of the Mantis Bugtracker (As you will realise I am not native english:) Feel f.
I am trying to install Mantis on my server. Problem is that I can't seem to get pass the Pre-Installation Check step. I click on 'Install/Upgrade Database', and displays all 'GOOD'. Then it says:Database Creation Suppressed, SQL Queries follow<< here it prints a lot of sql queries, mainly create and alter tables >>. When I say this the first time, I went to MySQL Workbench, (the database bugtracker was already created), and ran the script given. Thereby, creating all the needed tables.
Then it says:
It checks a few more things (all with result 'GOOD') and finally it displays this message: Descargar los raros de ruben dario pdf to word.
The previous word 'Continue' appears as a hyperlink leading to login_page.php. When I click it, it leads right back to this pre installation check page.
The thing is, the database is created! And the first time I encountered the sql queries I ran them, so the tables are indeed created.
My PHP version is 5.3.14.The Mantis version i'm trying to install is 1.2.11.
Any ideas as in what it is I am doing wrong? Or any other piece of information I could provide?
SophInstalling Mantis On Iis Youtube
Soph1 Answer
I realize now that this is not the best place for this question. Nonetheless, in case someone else happens tu stumble across this, I wanted to let know the only workaround I could find was installing another Mantis version: 1.1.1. Very old, but it worked!